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Paper Accepted

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Our paper, “A Fast UAV Trajectory Planning Framework in RIS-assisted Communication Systems with Accelerated Learning via Multithreading and Federating,” has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.


Two Ph.D. Openings

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I am looking for two self-motivated Ph.D. students working on Federated Learning in Wireless Networking and Mobile Computing areas starting in Spring/Fall 2025. Two (Research/Teaching) Assistantships are available. Please email me your CV, Transcript, and Publication (if any). More information about the Ph.D. program in Computer Science at SDSU can be found here.

NSF Award

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I am grateful that my first NSF award has been granted. Many thanks to the generosity of the NSF!


Paper Accepted by COMST

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Our paper “Combining Federated Learning and Edge Computing toward Ubiquitous Intelligence in 6G Network: Challenges, Recent Advances, and Future Directions” has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials. (IF: 35.6)